20" x 24" Custom Oil Painting Portrait!
20" x 24" Custom Oil Painting Portrait!
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Buy It Now Price: $8,316
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Imagine having a timeless and stunning oil painting portrait of your loved ones to hang above the mantel. Consider an elegant portrait of the man or lady of the house or a portrait of your child before they head to kindergarten. Include your entire immediate family if you please. Master Portrait Artist Donald Robert Sayles specializes in giving clients a unique portrait that reflects the person’s essence on a piece of canvas. INCLUDED: -Photo session with one of our professional photographers in your hometown in the continental United States. -20" x 24" custom oil painting portrait of the subject's head and shoulders (frame not included) -Include your entire immediate family members as subjects. Extended family may be added for a fee. -Shipping of the portrait You will be part of the entire process of selecting the background setting, clothing, and artist style. Location: Multiple Details: 20" x 24" Custom Oil Painting Portrait!, Valid at multiple locations Restrictions: Frame not included. Upgrades to a larger canvas available for a fee. Include extended family or other mixed groups as subjects for a fee. Valid only within the continental United States. Certificate expires 12 months after event date. Valid: Valid for a variety of dates throughout the year
A note from USYVL: (Sample Text) Our annual online auction is raising money to support our scholarship program as well as program research. All auction proceeds will go directly to support these programs. Thank you to all of the generous donors. We greatly appreciate all of the chapters who are participating in these important programs, and we wish you good luck with your bids!
Item delivery: After you've paid for any auction items that you've won, the event organizer will contact you to coordinate delivery.